How To Get Rid Of Ticks And Fleas On Dogs
We love our pets. We take care of them much like our children and usually associate ourselves as pet parents, taking a bit of pride in letting the world know. Dogs brighten our lives with their beautiful smiles and wholesome nature and there simply is no going back once you become a pet parent. Now, if you have been a dog parent for a long or quite some time now, you must have observed the issue of ticks and fleas on them. For the new pet parents, fret not; we have your back. Through this article, we will offer a detailed insight into every topic; right from what are ticks and fleas to how to get rid of Ticks And Fleas On Dogs.
What are ticks?
Ticks are a kind of parasite that sucks blood from your dogs. They are likely to be found on the furs of dogs and cats. They reproduce at the brink of an eye and if you don’t take care of it, the infestation would be a huge menace in no time. Ticks suck away the blood from your pets and if not taken care of can cause lethal diseases.
They look like small spiders and latches to your dog babies. They pass Lyme disease, tick-borne relapsing fevers, and tick-borne encephalitis. Ticks are common during warmer months and the dog fur provides a perfect environment for them to create their home there.
What are fleas?
Fleas are blackish-brown specs and are very quick. They jump very high and are difficult to catch. Fleas seem like small dark spots that move and their droppings are like specks of dust. The latching of fleas results in lots of scratching and hair loss for your dog. They feed on your pet’s blood and cause a serious drop in RBC count, thereby causing Anemia.
Signs that your pet might have caught tick and fleas infestation.
These parasites grow in no time. In no time, managing them could get out of hand. To avoid this, get cautious whenever you spot any of these signs on your dogs.
- Red spots on their skin
- Bumps and rashes
- Spotting a tick in your home. Even if you spot one, know that it has caught your dog.
- Itchy and scratchy behavior especially around the head and ears.
- Spotting flea dirt on their fur
How do you spot ticks and fleas on dogs?
When you observe the sneaky behavior in your pets, start looking for ticks and fleas infesting them. The favorite spots for these insects to latch on are behind the ears, under the collar, elbows, between paw pads and toes, tail base and elbows.
Now ticks latch to the skin and aren’t quick. You can easily get rid of Ticks And Fleas On Dogs. However, fleas are super quick and jump super high. Getting rid of them could be a bit tricky. To spot them easily, use your eyes and touch senses in equal parameters. Use this as an opportunity to give your pet a good cuddle session and with scratches and belly rub you will find these parasites latching deep inside.
How do you get rid of ticks?
- Cover your hands with gloves.
- Now, spread the fur around ticks so you can have ample space to work with.
- With the help of tweezers, catch the ticks as close as possible to the skin by their heads.
- Pull straight and don’t twist. Ensure that you don’t pop them midway.
- Don’t leave them alone in open. Instead, use a solution of alcohol and vinegar to create a disinfectant. Release them in the solution and it will die.
- Clean the bite area of your dog with an antiseptic solution.
- Remove the gloves and discard them.
How to get rid of fleas?
Getting rid of fleas manually could be quite tricky as they jump quite high. The best is to use a flea comb to comb your pet hair. The best is to find a store-bought solution aimed at resolving the issue of fleas. At Mypetz, explore the flea’s medicine and sprays that will help you get rid of fleas promptly. Click here to view our offerings.
Use anti-tick and flea shampoos and oils available in the market. They are crafted especially for your pets and won’t harm them.
These parasites usually find their host in the warmer season. However, look for signs throughout the year. The diseases caused by them turn lethal in no time and you surely don’t want your pet babies to suffer much.