Everything You Need To Know Before Adopting A Cat
The decision to acquire a pet is a significant one. To take on the care of a single life is a huge responsibility. And you probably have a lot of questions running through your mind that you would like to answer.
We have prepared this blog for you to get your question answered regarding adopting a cat as a pet. First and foremost, cats can be great pets; they can curl up in your arms at the end of a tiring day.
Things to keep in mind
How old cat to adopt
- The first thing to remember is that it is a lifelong commitment because cats live for about 20 years. So if you adopt a kitten, it means they will be part of your family for a longer period of time. You may need to be prepared to spend your time, energy, and finances for a longer period.
- Based on your lifestyle you can pick either to adopt a young or older cat. Because if you have a very hectic life, you should consider adopting an older cat, and if you have spare time, a young cat will be the right choice.
- If you are looking for a pet that can play with you all day long, then you should pick one, but if you want your pet to just lay back quietly and cuddle with you, then a senior cat fits the role perfectly.
Which breed and size of cat
- The breed of a cat can affect its nature and personality. However, that is not the only factor that affects your cat’s behavior. There are cat breeds that love to spend more time with humans, and others do not like to be held.
- In terms of size, there is not much difference; cats have similar sizes and weights. But there are few breeds of cats that have major differences in terms of size, like Singapore cats, which weigh around 4 to 8 pounds while Maine coons weigh almost 18 pounds.
What you need after the adoption
- We will not talk about the details and paperwork for adoption that depend on the region, but after you adopt a cat, there are a few things you need to get for your cat.
- The list of items you need for your cat’s comfort includes food and water bowls, toys, a bed, a litter box, a collar, a brush or comb, nail clippers, and a cat carrier.
- For their food, you may have to be more careful because there are a lot of brands with different products. And cats are very particular when it comes to food. They will not do something if they do not like it.
- You also need to have a dedicated veterinarian for your cats’ monthly checkups and their vaccinations. If you have any queries regarding your cat you should consult with the vet. So a veterinarian for your cat is really important.
- Cats may need some time to settle down into a new environment so give them the space that they can settle down easily.
- After a while you may need a personal trainer for your cat to train her, or are you capable of doing this task on your own? You need to figure out whether you need assistance or not because it is important your cat is well trained which will benefit you in the long term.
How to take care of a cat
- In terms of grooming, the cat cleans itself, but if they get really dirty, you might need to give them a good bath.
- Cats’ nails are some things that need to be paid more attention to because they grow a lot, and with that long nail, they might unintentionally scratch you or your furniture too. So that needs to be trimmed regularly.
- The ears of your cat are something that might get infected easily because cats do not clean them by themselves, and you need to make sure to clean them properly so your cat does not get any kind of ear infection.
What items should you buy before adopting a cat?
There are a few items you need to buy as a parent such as a cat carrier, food and water bowl, litter box, cat bed, scratching post, and cat tree for them to play with.
What should you avoid when bringing your new cat home?
There are a few things you need to avoid so as not to overwhelm your cat with different activities and visitors. Because your cat is already tired of traveling to new places and environments, it is best to slow down the process of new adventures.
How long does a kitten sleep in a day?
Kittens generally spend most of their time sleeping. They sleep around 16 to 20 hours a day.